“Quit telling us to forget the past and never look back. We learned from the past, gained wisdom from the past that we apply every day in the process of living. If we forget the past, we’ll forget who we are since that’s where we came from.”

― RJ Intindola

A new year (and a new decade!) is right in front of us. Most of us would like to get right down to the execution part of reaching goals because well, we like to get there and get there fast. As for me before I plan and execute my new goals I would like to look back on the year that has just gone by. 

You might be confused since everyone is preaching about forgetting the past year and just look forward. One goal-setting tool that has worked well for me over the years is doing a year-end review. Looking on where I am right now, what I did well, where I didn’t do well, what I need to improve on is crucial for me since it validates that I am actually setting the right goals for the new year.

A quote by Brian Tracy says “It doesn’t matter where you came from. All that matters is where you are going.” There is power in not letting our past situations define our future but there is also value in recognizing where we’re from and where we are heading. Knowing where I am at currently and knowing what has worked and has not worked for me gives me a better view of planning my next goals.

Join me as I look back on my most treasured moments of 2019:

  • Being invited to be part of the Australian delegates at the Women Economic Forum in India, alongside 2000+ other inspirational women. Presented my four speeches at the international event and won the award Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All.
  • Updated Resilience to Thrive digital course and created a marketing campaign.
  • Presented at Women Economic Forum, Perth WA.
  • Hired a full-time VA.
  • Received funding from my supporters to cover my travelling expenses to USA.
  • Flew to Michigan, USA to film my interview for the Broken Vessels film. 
  • Securing more Diamond Sponsors and sponsors locally, eastern states and overseas. 
  • Organised two live events; PLEW2019 and Australian Premier of Broken Vessels.
  • Interviewed on WTV Perth.
  • Interviewed on live Foxtel TV show ‘The Couch’ twice in September and November
  • Launched my online shop with Positive Vibes merchandise
  • Launched The Vault with over 10+ free resources for my subscribers 
  • Completed client’s marketing projects.
  • Honouring myself by saying NO to people, events and things which aren’t serving my utmost wellbeing. Surrounding myself with positive energy only and committing to daily self-care.
  • And committing to monthly therapy and spiritual mentoring.

And from the deep of my heart, I would like to express my love and gratitude for the key beautiful souls who were behind my achievements in 2019!

To my therapist and spiritual mentor, Bridgit Cray – Thank you for all the love, guidance and wisdom you have taught and shared with me.

To my event team – Thank you for sharing my passion and shining your light alongside with me which I truly value your commitment.

To my amazing man Shaun – Every one of my achievements in 2019 was possible because of you. Thank you for being my pillar, supporting and believing in me.

And last but not least, Thank you to my new VA who came onboard during my busy schedule and embracing every task I gave her with such good spirit!

2020 will be another spectacular year for me as I have set a few ‘scary’ but exciting big goals for myself and business. If your goal is to grow to the next level, then please email me at hello@noritaomar.com as I am seeking for a tribe of likeminded people to join me in my next adventures. However, these opportunities are only for individuals who are serious in personal development and growing their business as you will be required to put in the hard work in both areas!

Look forward to hearing from you and here’s to our success in 2020!

Are you inspired to take action and make 2020 a year of checking off goals in your list?

It’s time to uncover your strengths so you can do just that.

The Find Your Super Power worksheets inside The Vault will help you find your strengths in no time so you can use it to tackle your goals.

Grab it inside The Vault now!




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