Is Your Comfort Zone Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals?

Is Your Comfort Zone Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals?

Most people have dreams and wishes. However, the majority of those dreams and wishes remain as dreams and wishes as many people struggle to reach their goals. Frequently because the majority of people struggled about stepping out of their comfort zone in order to turn their dreams and goals into reality.

We know that nothing ever happens in our comfort zone. It’s called a comfort zone for a reason, right? You are comfortable so you must be happy? But as long as you stay in it you will be less and less happy. It’s that space of pushing aside your goals for when the ‘time is right’ or when you have the resources such as more money, time and skills.

Sadly that “someday” never happens. That someday isn’t going to happen because here’s the truth: you will never feel ready in your life to fo anything that scares you. You just gotta get up and do it. Eventually, the life you dreamed of becomes just a wish, a wish and a should, a would have thought or done. Our fear of trying something new and different, putting ourselves out there and going for it keeps us from taking action. We let our comfort zone keep us safe. Safe but unhappy and unfulfilled. 

Your comfort zone keeps you paralyzed from attempting what your heart truly desires. You have goals and dreams but you also have fears and doubts about the many what-ifs, what if it didn’t work, what if it was a wrong move, what if you suck! It’s safer and comfortable in the comfort zone instead of getting hurt and humiliated by going for what your heart desires. But what if it will work, what if it was the right move, what if you get freaking good at it. But the most important thing is, what if it makes you happy and what if it was bigger than what you thought it could be. You won’t know until you try. 

Maybe you’re afraid of speaking to a large group of people so you don’t go after the next level in your career, even though it is what your heart desires. You keep to yourself and stay in your current position because it is comfortable. Maybe you don’t go after your desire to start your own business because you’re afraid of failing. You stay in a job that you hate instead. Maybe you don’t try new adventures because you are reluctant to meet new people and don’t want to look “foolish”. So you stay at home in your comfort zone. 

Some of the reasons you stay in your comfort zone might be from:

  • Fear of the unknown and uncertainty

Nothing in life is certain but that should not keep you from getting out of your comfort zone and for going after the life that you want. Everything may be uncertain but it can always be figured out.

  • Anxiety over change 

“The only constant in life is change” as Heraclitus said. You might not know this but we humans are resilient to recover from each change life will bring us. Also, it is not how the new circumstances will dictate your life, it is how you respond or react to it. You can choose to accept the change or not and be stuck. If you choose to accept you can try coping strategies such as affirmations, meditations, journalling and many others.

  • Negative mindset/pessimistic outlook 

“My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice” is a quote written by J.K. Rowling and a philosophy I also believe in. Oftentimes worrying about suffering is pointless because you may end up not suffering at all. Even if you do that means you suffered twice; first by worrying and the second, the actual suffering. 

  • Lack of clarity and focus 

You can lose focus when you constantly compare yourself and your goals to other people. You get distracted by what they are doing and think to yourself, “They are so much better than me”. When you are looking for the approval of others you might end up doing things that differ from your original goal. It is important to understand that everyone’s journey is different and it is okay to have dreams and goals that others won’t understand. Focus on your own journey.

  • Fear of failing (or succeeding)

Don’t let the fear of failure or success stop you from actually starting. You can start setting small goals (these goals challenge you enough but are not so overwhelming to accomplish) to build your confidence muscle. 

As for fear of success, many of us have learned that the path to it can involve risks such as getting one’s hopes that can turn to disappointment. Or as Psychology Today wrote, some of us may have experienced verbal abuse and have been led to believe that we are not deserving of success. Whatever it may be, it is important to have a healthy relationship with success. Here’s an exercise they recommend:

  • Recall an event where you were successful and excited recently in your life, and notice what you are feeling and sensing. Stay with this sensation for five minutes.
  • Now tap into the sensation of a memory of an overwhelming sensation. I suggest not to start with a truly traumatic event, at least not with a therapist’s support. Start with something only moderately disturbing to you.
  • Now, go back to visualizing your success story. Do you notice a difference?

No matter what or how it looks like, your comfort zone is keeping you stuck. You’re not growing personally and stop advancing or developing into someone better professionally. You do the same thing day in and out, hanging out with the same people and you feel a lack of excitement in your life as everything stays stagnant. And you get envious when you look at other people’s lives who seem more successful or happier than yours. Getting out of the comfort zone will be difficult but that’s what growth is. Just like a child who has outgrown her clothes, you have to outgrow your old ways and beliefs to be able to step into your highest self. 

Your comfort zone lets you willingly pass up important opportunities. Because of this, you might lose touch with your relationships, your health may begin to have serious problems, and you end up living a life of mediocrity. You may be living a life of comfort but it is a mediocre life. Are you settling for just that when you know deep down that you can dig deep into yourself, get out of your comfort zone and live a life full of possibilities and adventures?

Your unwillingness to take action and step out of your comfort zone for whatever reason directly impacts your goals. If you are afraid to take the next step, and never do, you’ll stay where you’re at. If you worry what will happen if you go for your goal so you end up not going for it, then you won’t ever reach it. 

When you see yourself struggling to achieve your goals it’s often because you are stuck in your comfort zone. You are afraid of change, of doing things differently and being someone different. 

Ask yourself: Is it so bad to change? Are you willing to stay comfortable but live a mediocre life or are you ready to step into the unknown and create new exciting adventures?

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Why Planning Business Goals Is The Secret To Success

Why Planning Business Goals Is The Secret To Success

Do you take the time regularly to set and plan for your business goals? If you haven’t done so in the past, then I highly encourage you to do so now especially when we are still at the beginning of this very special year 2020. There is a lot being said about this special year 2020 but nothing special will happen unless you start planning for some success to happen. So start setting some time aside, ask yourself what do you really want to do in your business? What do you want to see happen in your business, what kind of growth or success you want to achieve? How do you want to feel about your business at the end of this year? 

I remember setting my goals and planning strategy for 2019 as I stepped up in believing I can achieve more. Honestly, when I started the planning process, it looked incredibly unreal and did freaked me out a bit and also I doubted myself if I could really pull everything off. Despite the doubts, I just continue working on the steps which moved me closer to my goals. At the end of 2019, I sat down to reflect on my year and oh boy! I just couldn’t believe how much I have achieved. And the process of setting goals and planning the roadmap has been crucial to my own success. 

So let’s start looking at why this process of business goal planning is the secret to success. It includes a variety of different factors which first is efficiency. When you know what you want and where you want to go, you will then create a roadmap on how to get there. With the clarity on how to get to the destination, you can focus on each step and level of importance or priorities in that journey. Without that clarity and roadmap, you will instead spend endless time figuring out what you need to be working on next, what or which pieces of the puzzle could be missing. By planning your business goals, you will know exactly what to do or what comes next. 

If you don’t believe me, just try it. Decide on a big goal for this quarter of the year. Write the goal down where you can see it in front of you. Research to find the steps required for you to take. Even faster, if you seek a mentor who is a dozen steps ahead of you who has achieved this goal as she/he will then be able to work with you in creating a strategy and daily to-do lists for you to work on what needs to be done each day for you to achieve your goals. Then you need to get to work and start noticing what happens next. You start to think of things which didn’t occur to you before. You come up with creative ways, reach out to your tribe, run a fun promo that creates excitement and you will reach more new traffic which equals more clients whom you can make a difference to. 

Now let’s talk about the subconscious. So far we’ve been focused on what we are actively doing to make progress by making a plan, setting goals, creating a roadmap and following through each step required. There is another dimension to all this and that is what is going on in our subconscious mind. While we are busy ploughing through our to-do list, cooking dinner for the family, and even sleeping, our subconscious mind is working towards those goals as well.

Also, I truly believe when you committed yourself with courage, The Universe then will meet you halfway and reward you with abundance like resources or help you need to make your goals come true.

In short, planning and setting goals is important because it helps you grow faster. That means you end up with more success for yourself and spending more time with your loved ones rather than spending long crazy hours slaving away at your desk with stress and frustration. But most of all is, this process will get you out of your comfort zone and helps build your confidence and believe that you can do and achieve more in your business and your personal life! And while doing this, you will be surprised how many people you will be inspired as they watch you step up in being the best you can be.

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