What if SH-T Happens and your life drastically changed without a choice? Are you going to feel sorry for yourself, be a victim of life consequences and wait to see how things unfold eventually?
Or will you step into your space of power and courageously take a grip of the helm? And what if you set a new beautiful intention for your life?
In this Overcoming Crisis workbook, which includes my personal resilient stories of how multiple crises like a brain injury and a natural disaster hit me which beautifully transformed my life. These 5 chapters of inspirational stories also come with exercises to help you navigate your journey to overcome your crisis.
FREE motivational audio on Overcoming Crisis
This is a 34 pages PDF copy, there won’t be a physical book shipped to you.
Sheryl Tang –
“This book touched my soul. Once I started reading it, I could not stop. The stories hit me on a personal level and inspired me to make a change to my current state. I believe many people would relate to the stories regardless of their background and experiences and would benefit greatly from this short and simple treasure.”
Bree Ruzzo –
Overcoming Crisis is an inspiring book and it made me feel empowered. Norita’s story and energy guided me through the Self Reflection and taking time to write down the answers gave me new tools to deal with this crisis. Highly Recommended.
Bridgit Cray –
‘A touching and heartfelt illustration of the strength and resilience of the Human Soul’
‘Norita has captured the essence of evolution through crises. She has reminded the reader there is no map on how to navigate trauma, it’s the empowerment and courage generated within that is the guidance. I believe the worksheets will be an amazing tool , a helping guide for those finding themselves in a crisis situation.